Skills for English:SELT is recognised by pathway providers and universities across UK, Ireland and USA. They are also the preferred method of proving English proficiency for entry to SQA’s Advanced Diploma courses in China.
Skills for English can be taken at UKVI-approved test centres in over 130 countries outside of the UK.
If your chosen Institution only accepts Skills for English: SELT, you can take the test at any of PSI’s Home Office approved test centres
Skills for English provides an accurate measure of language proficiency through practical and realistic tasks which you would expect to undertake in an English-speaking environment.
You can pick the test level you need for your chosen institution, from beginner to proficient, which may require either a pass, or a pass with merit (at B1 and B2 levels only). So, you can be sure that you are preparing for, and taking, precisely the level of test you – no more, no less.
The descriptors below show what successful test-takers can do at each CEFR level.
Test-takers can understand speech that is about simple every- day life when it is spoken carefully and slowly. They can provide concrete information about themselves, their name, where they live and so on using short simple phrases and sentences.
Test-takers can deal with simple, familiar, daily situations. They can provide very simple descriptions about their life and routines, likes and dislikes, using a series of short phrases which are linked.
Test-takers can understand speech and texts dealing with most familiar, daily situations satisfactorily, including telephone messages, correspondence, adverts. They can talk about a variety of familiar topics in a linear fashion and write texts as a series of short, connected sentences. They can engage in conversation in most everyday situations, expressing opinions and exchanging information.
Test-takers can deal with a variety of familiar, daily situations successfully. They can write texts that are clearly structured using simple linking words: these include short essays on topics of personal interest. Test-takers can engage in conversation about familiar topics with relative confidence, expressing their opinions successfully.
Test-takers can understand speech that is complex both linguistically and conceptually so long as it is on a topic that they are familiar with. They can read texts written for different purposes successfully though may have difficulty with uncommon words and phrases. They can give presentations on familiar topics that are well-organised and produce detailed texts bringing together information from a variety of sources. Interaction is fluent and spontaneous without causing any strain.
Test-takers can understand speech that is complex linguistically and conceptually about topics that are both familiar and unfamiliar. They can use language effectively in a range of every day, work and study contexts. Presentations they give are well-structured, detailed and clear, as is their writing. Interaction is fluent, accurate, spontaneous and effective.
Test-takers can understand speech that is linguistically and conceptually complex and unfamiliar. They can deal with idiomatic and colloquial expressions and register shifts both in speech and in text and can read texts from a wide variety of sources and topics. They can provide clear descriptions and presentations and write texts which are well-structured on a wide variety of topics. They can express themselves fluently and with high intelligibility.
Test-takers can understand almost all kinds of speech delivered naturally, and can read and understand texts which are long, linguistically complex and conceptually demanding. They can engage in conversation effectively and present complex information to a variety of audiences successfully. They can produce texts that are sophisticated in language, well-structured and effective. They can engage in conversation effectively using colloquial language where appropriate and conversation is clear, accurate, and smooth flowing.
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